Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Other's Vices

I've come to the sad realization that I've taken on a number of a former roomate's 'vices.' Which is to say, I now drink lots of coffee and beer. Of course, I've taken the latter to a bit of an extreme given that I've been homebrewing for about a year, which means I pretty much always have an ample supply of some sort of beer sitting around.

I've actually backed off on the former a bit, and while I suppose I can thank Sean for getting me to start drinking beer, Europe is entirely to blame for my coffee drinking. Thanks to work getting their free coffee (which isn't great, but I drink it anyway) act together late last year, I was drinking several cups a day for a while. Nowadays I'll have a cup or two in the morning, and spend the rest of the day drinking tea (typically caffeine-free red 'tea', before anyone claims I'm a caffeine addict).

I do miss the weekly dinner-and-beer nights we had in Livermore. It'd be nice to find folks around here interested in doing that sort of thing regularly. I also ought to plan for some brewery trips in the future; now that Sean lives in Colorado I have an excuse to head there, Oregon isn't too far away, and visiting Stone in Escondido would be nice sometime.

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